Thursday, October 18, 2007


Apparantly racism is running rampant in the industry.....less and less ethnic models are present on the runways this season. Click here to read one recount in the NY TIMES. Even the UK Guardian was hard pressed not to pose the question.."why are all the models white?"
Here is an excerpt from the article:

At this season's fashion shows, there has barely been a black or Asian face on the catwalks. Hadley Freeman reports from Paris on the whitewashing of the catwalk

Friday October 5, 2007
The Guardian

A disturbing problem has appeared on the catwalks this season. It is one that suggests the fashion industry has not just a warped but a fully offensive mentality when it comes to judging how women should look. It is a problem that has been simmering for some time, but because talking about it might offend the designers and scare off lucrative advertising accounts, hardly anyone has spoken out - and things have only got worse. We now have a situation that could lead to serious problems not only for some models, but for the public as a whole, making millions of women feel ugly, undesirable and simply wrong. And no, this is not about weight - it's about race.

Read other articles on the topic:
Live Journal
The Australian


1 comment:

  1. I feel that the fashion industry lacks model of color. As the article states, African Americans spend more than $20billion on fashion yet the industry doesn't give back. I assume Asian people spend even more, yet lot of shows and ads are white washed.

    Yes, white models are beautiful but so are black women, Asian women, Latin, and other mixes!

    Designers should step out of their boxes and try to explore the beauty of other races. They don't even try and this leads to hard model life for those of color. This also leads to models of color not being able to start work because agencies also don't want them if designers don't.

    There is so much corruption in the fashion industry.
