Sunday, March 16, 2008


"Barack Obama has style"...states the Washington Post in an article by Robin Givhan....inspired by the Paper Magazine shoot by Richard Phibbs - The President.

The magazine's co-founder and editor, Kim Hastreiter, said Obama's slim build, his youth and, most important, his body language caught her eye.

"It's style not fashion," she said in an e-mail. "Most straight men aren't into fashion.

"Many men (especially not politicians!) don't have the ease and personal style and confidence that I see in a man like Barack Obama. Casual yet boardroom ready without being too formal or intimidating. He just seems to look comfy in his own skin."

Two of Red's models...Marcus Lloyd's & Ibrahim Baaith's images were featured in the article.

Click here to read the entire article.
Marcus Lloyd

Ibrahim Baaith

Imagine, this could change the face of fashion as we know it. :)

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