Thursday, October 9, 2008


Contributing Editor....quickly becoming the new bible for online magazines is breaking ground and setting new trends. Moving away from the standard, mundane fashion editorials, Matthew Edelstein is seeking to broaden the horizen of fashion here in the US. This couldn't come at a more appropriate time as Stan makes his mark in a most befitting editorial spread. Click here to see the entire story.

Fotos: Idris & Tony
Fashion Editor: Matthew Edelstein


  1. I love Matthew Edelstein's work, he's so precise and specific about what he wants, and it's clear he still LOVES fashion and what he does. Inspiring.

    Theres this mannequin like quality to these pictures, which I love, but Stan doesn't make it look static and lifeless, it's stunning. I love the last look (outfit).

  2. Snooze. Reid's the best...this kid is OVAH.

  3. This model agency is so far the benchmark let it be known spread the word they deserve all the recognition! ✈️
