Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Well you know the rest. But you asked for more Dean....so here you go. :)

Fotos: Kevin Polvent


sd said...

love him to death
still wish for more haha

Anonymous said...

I am one of the poeple who asked for more dean and more Jonathan (where is Jonathan Kroppmann??)!!!

Dean is absolutely beautiful. These are not my favorite pics of him though. I know he's young, but It just feels as if he's a really young boy doing a really mature shoot. Something is missing.

sd said...

to chai
i agree with you it does look like a young boy doing a mature shoot. but to me it's much more than that. it just exudes a young guy trying out for a porn video or something(which i totally wouldn't object to). i think it might have to do w/the shiny-ness of his body. to me it just reads more porn star rather than model. and as much as i wouldn't complain if he became a porn star, i rather him become a really successful model.

sd said...
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Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight. If you're young with a nice body, then you come across as a porn star in pictures? How absurd! I totally disagree. Should Dean be smooth and waiflike since he is young? How different is it for young girls who assume a more mature and sexy embodiment of what we've grown to accept in fashion as protocol. Do we then say that she is coming across as a prostitute or porn star as well?
I think Dean looks amazing and wholesome.

Anonymous said...

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Sign a petition to your favourite president candidate, congress member again and ask for their views to comment on this, and what regulations they are going to raise for implementation.....If you agree on my point, please share with many people as possible....


sd said...

i didn't say all young male models w/great bodies look like porn stars i'm just saying these specific shoots look a bit porn-ish. i've seen some of dean's other shots on his portfolio w/o a shirt and it's something about these shot that rub me the wrong way
as i said before
i think it might have to do w/the shiny-ness of his body.

Anonymous said...

I hear what you're saying S_D. Though, I don't think the pictures look like porn, when I first saw the shots I thought, "wow these prints are very sexy and seductive". Then I looked at his face and saw young innocence.

For me, the maturity of the picture, meaning, the very "grown up" apartment, combined with the poses, lightly oiled, shirtless model and the natrual sex appeal and pout of Dean Sibrizzi, equal a really sexy picture.

Now, most of the time that combo could equal campaign gold. but in this instance, when I look at his face, in this set of photos, there's a matured manliness missing, which would sell the pictures and make me believe the story.

Now, I don't think Dean should be waiflike, shave his body hair and hunch over in every shot. If you look at the post titled "Dean Sibrizzi.. A 'Lil Adonis" and "Dean is....", he's wearing the same amount of clothing, has the same amount of body hair and the pictures are still sexy, but, with different styling and a different setting, it all works. I believe the story. He looks like the "Lil Adonis" that he most definitely is.

sd said...

hmm okay
then maybe it's just me

Anonymous said...

ya he has a pretty nice body.. but his face is AWFUL!!
if i saw him on the street i would look at his face and keep walking and not even think about anything but where i am going. he could stop you on the street and make you think of how beautiful he is... he is not.. and his pictures are terrible and if i did look at him and actually pay attention then i would think he was ether trailer trash or has some disorder...

Anonymous said...

Someone is having issues this morning. LOL Lady you must be blind !!!

sd said...

wow i disagree betty
i think he's beautiful

Anonymous said...

I also disagree with Betty. He is absolutely gorgeous. He just has a baby face.

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Prurient said...

Skilled! ✈️